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Bee's Nursery and Garden

Soursop (Guanabana)

Soursop (Guanabana)

Soursop, also known as Annona muricata, is a tropical fruit tree that produces large, heart-shaped fruits with a spiky green skin. The fruit has a creamy, white flesh that is juicy and fragrant, with a sweet-tart flavor often described as a blend of pineapple and strawberry with citrus notes. The fruit contains large, dark seeds and is commonly eaten fresh or used in juices, smoothies, desserts, and other culinary creations. Soursop trees have glossy, dark green leaves and produce fragrant, yellow flowers.

USDA Growing Zone: 9-11


This is a tropical plant/tree. Due to its sensitive nature to cold temperature, we recommend frost protection during the winter months. 

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Regular price $250.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $250.00 USD
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